魔方教室 魅龍2/3/4/5 二階/三階/四階/五階魔方 磁力版(魔方機器人)





Product Details

你的魔方  由我守護
Your Cube, Guarded by Me
解鎖更多玩法  花樣嗨玩  新樂趣 
Unlock More Gameplay, Exciting Ways to Have Fun, New Pleasures


二階/三階/四階/五階 入門級魔方 
2x2/3x3/4x4/5x5    Beginner's Cubes
讓孩子從二階玩起,難度逐步升級 打造開發大腦的認知體系
Start the kids with a 2x2, gradually increase the difficulty to develop a cognitive system for the brain

不止好看  還好玩
Not Just Good Looking, But Also Fun
The little cubes cultivate children's manual skills and exercises hand muscles

全新造型 解鎖新玩法
New Design, Unlock New Gameplay
Think and play with stacking, unlock more creative gameplay
卡點位置 操作簡易
Easy Operation with Snap-In Spot
Stand-up stacking and assembly
Sit-down stacking and assembly

關節靈活轉動 趣味升級玩不停
Flexible Joint Movement, Non-stop Upgraded Fun
手部和腿部可以靈活擺動,增加玩耍時的趣味性 寓教於樂
Hands and legs can flexibly move, adding fun during play, and learning through play
Hands sway up and down
Legs move 90 degrees

升級磁力 定位系統
Upgraded Magnetic Positioning System
魔方引入磁力定位系統, 48顆磁鐵定位, 讓魔方具有更強的操控性,助您輕鬆引爆手速!
The cube introduces a magnetic positioning system, with 48 magnetic points, allowing the cube to have stronger control and easily boost your speed!

平穩順滑 為競速而生 
Smooth and Stable, Born for Racing
The overall turning feel is smooth and stable, without any pauses, giving the cube a good feel and impressive performance

萌趣卡通造型 吸引萌娃注意力
Cute Cartoon Shape   Attracting Children's Attention
Cute robot design, with various interactive modes, attracts children's attention

DIY塗鴉 自由畫作
DIY Doodle, Free Artwork
Based on children's aesthetics, let them create items that suit their own style

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